Number of deselected items.
Is selection indeterminate?
List of original items to set up selection for.
onTriggers whenever any selection change happen.
onTriggers when an item is deselected.
onTriggers when all items are deselected. Only when Selection.deselectAll is called.
onTriggers when an item is selected.
onTriggers when all items are selected. Only when Selection.selectAll is called.
pkItem unique property key to store selection by.
Number of selected items.
Selection dict.
This is where we keep which item is selected (value true) and which item is not (value not true).
Same as selectedItems but returns IDs only.
Deselect an item.
to deselect.
Whether to generate counts (default is true).
Select an item.
to select.
Whether to generate counts (default is true).
Select the given items PKs
to select.
Toggle an item selection status.
to toggle selection.
Whether to generate counts (default is true).
Takes a list of items and handles selection for them.